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January 27, 2007


My gosh Dawn, what a great tutorial. You are a born teacher. Now we need to see if the student (me) is smart enough to follow these directions. I will try this card at some point as it is totally precious. Thank you for this as I am sure it took many hours to do.

Totally cool card!!! I was having trouble "seeing" how the card changes after the second side. I even used the slideshow feature on Webshots to study it.

I'm going to be totally bummed tomorrow morning when I can't enjoy reading your blog with my cup of coffee. But I will live. If my son will let me play, I will try the tutorial later today.

I cannot wait to try this! Woohoo!

Dawn, this is so cool, thanks. I don't quite get how it works, but if I make it and follow your instructions step by step I think I'll understand it, I think it is one of those things where you need to go aha and have the bits in front of you! So cool!

Dawn, Is this done with a 12x12 piece of cardstock?

Dawn, Is this done with a 12x12 piece of cardstock?

Wow...you are great at tutorials...Well, you already probably know that. Wait till my mom sees this! She is a fan of your blog and is always exclaiming over this or that....things that she reads on here. Thanks for all the time that you put into this blog!

Wow...you are great at tutorials...Well, you already probably know that. Wait till my mom sees this! She is a fan of your blog and is always exclaiming over this or that....things that she reads on here. Thanks for all the time that you put into this blog!

oh wow!!!
I have wanted to know how to do one of these ever since some company sent me one in the mail. I've kept it all these years thinking that one day I'd get inspired how they put it together.
You are the bestest, Dawn!
Rubber Hugs,

oh i wanna learn how to do this too Dawn,,,, sadly I am still lost... I am going to try and see if anyone I know can teach me....

Thank you for the links yesterday. Seeing the two colors really helped!!! You are rocking girlfriend!!!

Great tutorial Dawn! Thanks for sharing this info, I am going to have to try this out!

Thanks for the tutorial! I think my boyfriend will love this card.

Dawn- thank you for the FABULOUS tutorial. I made a card and linked it up to this on my blog. Hope you do not mind. HAve a great night!

i was searching for a lovely card to make for my auntand i browsed throgh the net to get some ideas.i came across this never ending card in another site and i decided to do this but couldnt understand the instructions.then icame across the vedio u posted & it was much more simpler and easier..thanks a bunch.

Your blog is very nice, I love the never ending cards tfs Tonda

Thank-you for this tutorial it is wonderful ;)

Dawn, thanks so much for this tutorial. First I watched your video, then I sat down with the written instructions. The video definately helped prep me for the written instructions! I know how long it takes to document something, so please know how much I appreciate your efforts. Now that my card id folded, I'm off to go stamping!

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