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July 04, 2008


Neppie Hay

This would be so cute for a child's birthday party. Thanks for sharing. So glad to know your hubby made it home. Enjoy your time together. Happy 4th.


I love your site and all the cool demos!!! Just wanted to say that it is wonderful to hear that your hubby is home and safe! I have 1 son that served his time in the navy, one that is career navy but will be state side the rest of his career and my youngest served his time as a marine. I am so proud and grateful for the men and women that serve our country and make sure that we keep our freedon!


OMG you are so clever =)


I am so blessed by your talent - thank you for sharing the gifts that God has given you with us. Enjoy your time with your husband...

Sylvia Osborn

I enjoy all the things you do with PAPER...You are so cleaver...Love it too...Thank for stamping for us...You are GREAT...
Sylvia Palm Harbor Fl....


I never would have thought of the pixie stick for a pole! Great idea! I have enjoyed looking around your blog. I saw a link to you on SUDSOL for your purse tutorial and wow, you have tons of tutorials! I am adding you to my google reader so I can keep up with you!

Have a great week!

Sophia Neil

I found the giant pixie sticks can't wait to do an upscale version of this for my girls easter baskets..

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